Who we are
What we do
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The company sponsor fund is used as follows.
Educational support for Least
Developed Countries
Through the school construction and
management support in least Developed
countries, you can make an environment
to improve the quality of education.
Human school construction project, medical
support & health project, educational environment
Development project
Domestic Projects
Diverse non profit programs are conducted for
youths and marginalized people.
DMZ Peace and Unification March, sports climbing
contest, human/challenge award presentation, mountaineer
bereaved family support, Himalaya human scholarship etc.
If you are with us
Executives and staff members social contribution
As part of the CSR activity within the company, you can participate in the developing country volunteering to strengthen the position of the company's global society contribution.
Brand value increase of the company
The companies with us all become one to form diverse forms of partnership and cooperation and increases the brand value of the participating company.
Goods/fund sponsor
Companies interested in social contribution can participate in projects to support domestic and foreign marginalized people and projects to support education of developing countries through goods and sponsor funds.
Um Hong Gil Human FoundationLee jae hoo : Representative
(03049) 3F Sangjin Bldg., 5, Samcheongro9-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Tel : 02- 736-8850Fax : 02-736-8858
E-mail : uhfg8848@hanmail.net
Copyright ⓒ 2019. UM HONG GIL HUMAN FOUNDATION. All Rights Reserved.