3rd Lumbini Human School > Human School | 엄홍길휴먼재단 3rd Lumbini Human School > Human School | 엄홍길휴먼재단

What we do

Human School

Human School
Um Hong Gil Human Foundation completed 16 Human Schools, and now we are building a Human
School in Tarkeshwor, Kathmandu, the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal. Human School project
is to help accomplish Himalaya children's dream and hope with your participation.

3rd Lumbini Human School

페이지 정보

작성자 엄홍길휴먼재단 댓글 0건 조회 2,235회 작성일 19-06-03 10:05




"Human School in Buddhist Shrine"

3rd Lumbini Human School

On February 21, 2012, the 3rd Human School was constructed in the south region of Lumbini Nepal, the birthplace of Buddha. 10 classrooms in the two-story building including administration office, computer lab, library, nurse room, toilet, and a community hall. In there, more than 250 students came to develop their dreams..

Name of the school Shree Siddhartha Gautarn Buddha Basic School

Location Gaudahawa RM-5, Bishnupura, Rupandehi

Population 277 Students / 9 Teachers / around 3,500 Residents

Size of the construction Two-story building with 10 classrooms (floor area 458m²)

Construction date April 12, 2011

Completion date February 21, 2012

Sponser Millet, Industrial Bank of Korea(IBK), AIA


Nature lovewith the spirit of volunteering for human love, Um Hong Gil Human Foundation built the 3rd Human School in Lumbini, southern region of Nepal and the area of Buddha’s birthplace. 


Mr. LEE Jae Hoo, Chairman of the Board of Directors Delivering Congratulatory Speech during Dedication Ceremony >

The 3rd Um Hong Gil Human School is a two-story building in the area of 489.46m², sponsored by Millet. It was built in the village of Gaudahawa Bishunpura, Lumbini. The facility includes 5 classrooms, an administration office, a computer lab, a library, a nurse’s office, toilets, and a community hall. The name of the school is ‘Shree Siddhartha Gautarn Buddha Basic School’.  

The dedication ceremony of the Human School was held on February 21, 2012. Mr. Ramnayt Tukgal, Member of Nepali Parliament, Mr. Hari Krishna Poudel, Governor of Lumbini, Mr. Nara Wali, Director of Development, Bam Bahadur Bunduri, Lumbini Police Chief, Tikaram Arial, Superintendent of Education attended and Mr. LEE Jae Hoo, Chairman of the Board of Directors of UHGHF delivered a congratulatory speech.. 

< Attendees of Ceremony>

 The speech by Mr. Han Cheol-ho, CEO of Millet and Capt. Um was followed by a plaque of appreciation to Capt. Um Hong Gil. “So far, three Human Schools have been constructed. Based on the experience, we will put more efforts to support for children’s dream in Nepal,” Mr. LEE Jae Hoo said in his speech.


Congratulatory Speech by Mr. HAN Cheol-ho, CEO of Millet >


<Congratulatory Speech by Capt. UM Hong Gil>

After receiving an appreciation plaque from Mr. Ramnayt Tukgal, a member of Parliament of Nepal, Capt. Um Hong Gil said, “We will never stop our challenge for the hope. Our goal is building 16 Human Schools in Nepal.” 

< Capt. Um Hong Gil Receiving a Plaque of Appreciation > 

Artist PARK Jae-dong with students of Korea National University of Arts, residents and local students performed Korean traditional performance(Talchum). Especially, the artist received fervent responses by painting a mural around the school with local students, a week before the ceremony..
<Artist Park Jae-dong and Students Performing Talchum >

Later, there was a cutting ceremony followed by an unveiling ceremony of the signboard. 


<Cutting Ceremony>

< Unveiling Ceremony of Signboard >

<Unveiling Ceremony of Signboard>

Capt. Um Hong Gil and the staff members had a ceremony of giving school uniforms and Millet backpacks to all students. CEO of Millet, Mr. HAN Cheol-ho said, “I am so pleased to give support to improve the educational condition”. A child, who participated in this event, said, “Now, I think that I can achieve my dream because of your support”.. 


< Capt. Um Hong Gil Giving Bags to Human School Students > 


< CEO of Millet, Mr. HAN Cheol-ho Giving Bags to Human School Students >

Before the ceremony, medical team members of St. Mary’s Hospital, Seoul Korea volunteered for the medical service for the residents. Dr. KIM Seung Nam, Chief of the hospital said, “Although it was a short time, we did our best to benefit the residents as many as possible”.. 


<Medical Volunteering by Medical Team Members of St. Mary’s Hospital, Seoul, Republic of Korea>


<Medical Volunteering by Medical Team Members of St. Mary’s Hospital, Seoul, Republic of Korea>

The Human School project of Lumbini was sponsored by ’90 years history of hiking outdoor company’ Millet Inc. (CEO, Mr. HAN Cheol-ho), Industrial bank of Korea (IBK, President. Mr. CHO Jun-hee ), AIA (Chairman of the Board of Directors, Mr. LEE Sang-hwi) including supportive 1,040 CMS members of UHGHF. We, members of UHGHF, really appreciate to all the donors. 


<Commemorative Photograph of Capt. Um Hong Gil Together with Students after Dedication Ceremony>


< Group Photo >


등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

Um Hong Gil Human FoundationLee jae hoo : Representative

(03049) 3F Sangjin Bldg., 5, Samcheongro9-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Tel : 02- 736-8850Fax : 02-736-8858E-mail : uhfg8848@hanmail.net

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