[THE Himalayan] Nepal-Korea Friendship Expedition triumphs Jugal I, sets sights on Jugal II > 공지사항 | 엄홍길휴먼재단



[THE Himalayan] Nepal-Korea Friendship Expedition triumphs Jugal I, se…

페이지 정보

작성자엄홍길휴먼재단 작성일24-05-07 18:53 조회382회 댓글0건




The climbers from Nepal and Korea, part of the Nepal-Korea Friendship Expedition-2024, have successfully summited the virgin peak Jugal I, in Sindhupalchok.


The first team, including Captain Um Hong Gil, Lakpa Dendi Sherpa, and Lama Babu Sherpa conquered the peak on May 3. Lakpa Dendi Sherpa, also the lead rope-fixing climber, reached the summit at 12:30 pm, followed by Um Hong Gil and Lama Babu Sherpa at 3:30 pm the same day, informed Nepal's expedition coordinator and president of the Korean Alpine Federation's liaison office Ngawa Ngima Sherpa.

Subsequently, on May 4, Joung Je Gyun, Kim Dong Jin, Koo Eun Soo, and Baek Jong Min reached the peak of Jugal I at 12:30 pm, Ngawa Ngima added.

The Nepal-Korea Friendship Expedition-2024, organized in commemoration of the golden jubilee of Nepal and South Korea's bilateral relations, is scheduled to tackle the unexplored peaks of Jugal-I (6591m) & II (6518m) in Sindhupalchok district. These peaks were opened for expedition activities by the government just last year.

Celebrating their triumph, Lakpa Dendi Sherpa shared on social media, recounting the challenges and camaraderie experienced during the ascent of the uncharted peak.


"Amidst the breathtaking vistas of the uncharted peak 6591, nestled along the Nepal-China border, our team forged bonds of friendship and resilience. Leading the charge, I, Lakpa Dendi Sherpa, alongside Lama Babu Sherpa, embraced the challenge of pioneering the path upwards. Together, with the indomitable spirit of the Korean-Nepal Friendship Jugal 1 Expedition, we etched our names into the annals of mountaineering history. Special gratitude to Mr. Um Hong Gil, a beacon of inspiration, whose leadership propelled us towards triumph. As the sun painted the summit with golden hues on May 3rd, 2024, our hearts swelled with pride and gratitude," Lakpa wrote.

With Jugal I conquered, the team now prepares for their next challenge: Jugal II.

The government has waived royalty fees for seven Korean and three Nepali climbers participating in the expedition jointly organized by the Ministry of Tourism, Culture, and Civil Aviation, the NMA, Nepal Tourism Board, Korea Alpine Federation, Um Hong Gil Human Foundation, and Jugal Rural Municipality.




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